STAR WARS EPISODE 7: THE FORCE AWAKENSThe Force truly awakened with the triumphant return of the Star Wars franchise with J.J. Abrams in the Millennium Falcon’s pilot seat…Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE FANDOMAudiences, as of late, have been complaining about recent franchise films, and serialized content, and access to social media platforms…Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
Political Correctness and the Death of StorytellingI am utterly enraged by what I keep reading day in and day out about political correctness, inclusion, and whatever else people want to…Jun 24, 2019Jun 24, 2019
Metatron Writer ClubThe episode cleverly entitled “Meta-Fiction” was an ode to all ideas related to something that Metatron himself asks in the episode’s…Jun 24, 2019Jun 24, 2019
Man of Steel: An In-Depth Analysis of a Divisive FilmWith the recent DC announcements of re-branding, and taking the franchise in a possible new direction, I decided to give these films a…Jun 24, 2019Jun 24, 2019
Venom: We are terribleBEIRUT: The long-awaited, and overly-hyped first Sony production of a character in the universe of the red and blue with a spider emblem…Oct 4, 2018Oct 4, 2018
A House With A Clock In Its Walls: A film with a problem in its coreBEIRUT: Whenever a film sneaks into the movie theater with barely a whisper, it usually means studio execs don’t necessarily have a lot of…Sep 27, 2018Sep 27, 2018
Searching: A hyper-modern tale that seeks to thrillBEIRUT: With most of us cinephiles, and most general audience members slowly starting to pick up on Hollywood’s lack of original content…Sep 26, 2018Sep 26, 2018
television: an oversaturated serialWe now live in what is most likely the new Golden Age of serialized content.Jun 27, 2018Jun 27, 2018
enter late, exit earlyTo start off you may be asking what does enter late, exit early actually mean, and how does it apply to writing?Jun 14, 2018Jun 14, 2018